Getting Started with TechOps Projects

Welcome to IEEE projects! Here, we host a variety of external projects that cater to a variety of audiences, especially those with interest in both software and hardware practical applications. This page will give a quick rundown of our most used tools that you should have before we start.

Common Developer Tools and Software

VS Code

VS Code is probably the most preferred text editor for most development use cases. It has many powerful commands and extensions that can cater to our needs. Some extensions to get:

  • Remote SSH

  • Gitlens (for easy git blame)

  • GitHub Copilot (you get a free subscription with Student Developer Pack!)

  • Language specific support (e.g. Python, C/C++, etc)


Surprisingly, Python does not come pre-installed on Windows/Mac (go Linux lol). Please try to have the latest Python version installed.

Web Projects

Here are some software you should have if working on web-based projects:

Node.js and npm

Node.js is a JS runtime for modern JavaScript projects. We recommend getting the latest LTS version from the Node.js website. This should come with npm, the node package manager


Another possible way to install Node.js is through Node Version Manager, a handy tool that manages your Node.js version through CLI.


Docker is a containerized application deployment platform. What this means is that Docker does the following:

  • Virtualizes "containers" which you can think of as mini virtual machines on your computer (or any server)

  • Distributes and deploys software packages through Dockerfile configurations

  • Standardizes the overall development process for developers by using a common Docker configuration with the same package versions, environment, etc.


You will likely soon learn (if not already learned) what HTTP requests are. While it's easy to run these requests in the browser, it's even better to have a client that visualizes these requests and give you a fast GUI-based way to run, test, and develop workflows with these requests. You only need one of these, not both.

Hardware Projects


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