Web Demo Project

We have a Node.js app for you to get started in web dev! This is a continuously developed project and will be used for future web tutorials!

What's important right now is that with Node.js installed, you're able to run the the project successfully and configure your tools to work with it (e.g. you can send HTTP requests via Postman/Insomnia through localhost to the Node.js server).

See the project here:

Once you've cloned the repository, this will be the general workflow:

  1. check the package.json file

  2. run npm i or npm install to install the required dependencies through npm.

  3. run npm run dev or node <filename>.js to execute a runtime to run the file.

  4. For this project specifically, visit localhost:8080 and if you see the following screen, you've made it!

Concept Check Questions:

Do some of your own digging through the repository and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the tool that manages node packages?

  2. What command line command triggers this tool?

  3. How do we install the required dependencies?

  4. If we wanted to add dependencies to our project, where can we look?

  5. Which file holds the dependencies?

  6. Typically, to run a Node.js file, the command to start it is node <file>.js. What other commands can we run to start the server?

  7. If we want to make more of these custom commands, where do we put it?

  8. What does nodemon do? How is it used?

Next, please go to Assignment 1: HTTP Requests to complete the first assignment.

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